2018 Updates: Unlad Kabayan
Max Tunon, ILO specialist based in India, brings out many important developments and issues in his presentation while Mayan Villalba, MFA-Unlad Kabayan, moderates.
- Significant progress in the GCC countries since 2013: more open spaces to civil society; Jordan recognition of women’s work; and an ILO presence in Beirut.
- Trends in changing governance in migration: more involvement of labor ministries than external (foreign) affairs; increasing local state/government initiatives; engagement with employers.
- Celebration of 100 years of the ILO in 2019. The focus is on “Women and Work” e.g. Women in the Care Industry; paid and unpaid work; ILO 189; future of domestic work
Working on SDGs: fostering economic growth and generating decent work (Goal 8); fair recruitment (10.7) measuring recruitment cost.
Global Compact on Migration (GCM)
The Zero Draft of the Global Compact on Migration was introduced to civil society in a consultation in Quezon City in February 2018 by the Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA).
Appreciation by participants of the GCM draft was strongly noted. Ambassador The major drawback was that it was non-binding.